Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Some Rules Are Meant To Be Broken

Some Rules Are Meant To Be Broken 

Many years ago I signed up for a daily email from a company called TUT (totally unique thoughts). The emails are written as if they are coming from the Universe, which is really a guy named Mike Dooley. I love these quick, to the point messages that often times, stay with me for days, if not weeks. Today, I thought I would share one of the messages I received and the perspective it gave me.

“Never create Rules, Sarah. Not ever. Not for others. And especially not for yourself. Unless, of course, this is your rules.”

From the time we begin to walk, we are taught about rules. Some rules are obviously for our safety, while other rules teach us at a young age that there are limitations in life or what we “can or can’t do.” Although I have prescribed to plenty of my own self-limited thoughts (and probably still do), I also believe that some rules are meant to be broken.

When I read this message from the Universe, I had a flash of some “rules” I had learned over the course of my life…like eat all your vegetables, or don’t drive over the speed limit, or never put the Christmas tree top on until the rest of the tree is decorated…all rules I think I have broken at some point in time!

Some rules (especially the ones that should be broken), restrict us and hold us back…they keep us thinking small or believing that we are not capable of more…worse off, they stop us from living a fulfilling life. We are taught to think about our actions, to be smart and plan ahead. These are all rules, that could be broke, and for good cause.

When we create rules, we create expectations and then our dreams become a rigid set of “to-dos” on a boring sheet of paper. When we create expectations we stifle our creativity. And when we are restricted or tied to a rule we shut off the flow of possibilities. If we can only see one outcome or one way something can happen, we have prescribed to a self-limiting rule.

If you want to make something happen in your life, stop creating rules…stop believing in “how you think it should be done.” Stop having expectations of those around you or the circumstances in your life. Stop thinking and start dreaming. Some rules are meant to be broken…especially when it comes to being in control of your own happiness!

Much Love,
Sarah Michelle

Success Coach . Trainer . Author
Author of Tales of Fried Bologna: A Journey to Forgiveness

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