Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Listen. Learn. Believe.

Listen. Learn. Believe. 
Listen. Learn. Believe. Three powerful words in the English language, yet not always three we put together in the same sentence. Perhaps it’s because that put together, these three words scare the shit out of most of us myself included. And let’s be honest, most of us are not daredevil, adrenaline junkies who enjoy being uncomfortable. Or perhaps we really are…

Years ago when I was knee-deep in uncovering old wounds and baggage, I finished a journal entry with these three words: Listen. Learn. Believe. In the moment, it was an emotional drizzle on paper in the late hours of the day…but I would later realize, it wasn’t just three words randomly strung together on a page in my journal, but rather a sort of declaration of the person I wanted to become.

To listen…to really listen meant that I had to step outside of my ego (that obnoxious voice in our head that seems to never shut-up!)…I had to step outside of my mind and step into my heart-center. I had to humble myself. I had to answer for support from unknown sources. As a recovering control-freak this was not an easy task to do, however, there is an unconditional freedom that comes from truly listening.

Listening comes in many forms, from intentionally listening to your partner, your loved ones, your clients, the stranger on the subway…and the most important, listening to your higher-self. Sometimes it can be difficult to discern between the loud-mouth ego and the humble calling of your soul’s desire. However, it can be done by listening. Allow yourself quiet time during the day or the week to drop down into your heart-center and just listen. Listen to the sound of your own breath, to the beat of your heart…what is it that you wish to hear? That is your higher-self. Listen.

Now learning can be fun and easy…or if you are like me, I prefer to be tied up to the back of a truck, with a rope around my ankles as I am drug down a dirt road! All kidding aside; learning can be haaarrrddd. And some of the lessons we must learn are not always lessons we want to learn, hence the need for a strong rope and a really, really long dirt road (I can admit my own faults!)…

However, inside of every obstacle life presents us, is an opportunity to learn and ultimately grow as a human being. If we learn something from every experience, then by definition there can be no mistakes or regret. Even if it’s really ugly or really painful, there is always something to be learned, but it requires that we step outside of the chapped-ass-state-of-being and get honest with the why. Why is this happening to me? Why did I create this opportunity for myself? What am I supposed to learn? Listen. Learn.

Listen. Learn. Believe. I personally still believe in Santa Claus…okay, not really in a guy who wears a big red suit and comes down the chimney at night, but in the magic that surrounds the folklore of St. Nicholas. As a kid, I can remember really believing in Santa. I mean really, really believing. But if you grew up poor like I did, Santa wasn’t just a jolly dude who brought presents…he was a symbol of hope, of love…he represented a passion that lived inside me, that someday I’d get to make a difference in the world, despite where I came from.

As children we believe in magic, we believe in the unknown. There is no fear, only curiosity. Then we grow up, and as adults we shut down this flow of unconditional belief, because someone told us to be logical. We are taught to think with our brains (or in other words the ego) and to stop feeling with our hearts. We stop believing in Santa…we stop believing in magic….we stop believing in ourselves.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, most of us would not describe ourselves as daredevils who enjoy the rush of adrenaline from jumping out of a plane or walking a tie-rope twenty feet in the air…however, most of us do live in an uncomfortable state-of-being every day because we do no practice these three little, yet powerful words. We don’t listen because we think we don’t have time to…we don’t want to learn because it’s too hard…and let’s face it, finding out that Santa wasn’t a real person, was a huge blow and how can we believe in anything after that???

When put together, these three words can be scary or they can be life-changing. The choice is ultimately yours. Listen. Learn. Believe. Take the first step and I promise…you will find that magic again.

Peace and Love.

Sarah Michelle 
Success Coach . Trainer . Author
Author of Tales of Fried Bologna: A Journey to Forgiveness

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